Embrace the power of the mind with hypnosis
Your Life, Reimagined
Hypnotherapy is an induced relaxation state in which the subconscious part of the mind is more open to suggestion, resulting in changes in long-standing thoughts, feelings and behaviour. Hypnotherapy has been widely researched and proved successful in the treatment of many conditions. We have extensive experience and success with just some of the many issues listed below.
There are many myths about hypnosis and the media portrayal doesn't help in this regard. Hypnotherapy is deeply relaxing, it cannot make you do or feel anything you do not wish to or that are against your values or belief system. It is simply a mechanism to by-pass the conscious thinking brain that has 'learned' behaviours or responses to access the sub-conscious mind and to replace unhelpful messaging with something that will provide you with the changes you wish for.
We are fully trained with years of experience and often find that a combined approach of counselling and hypnotherapy work very well together, however stand alone hypnosis sessions are equally effective too - this is down to a personal choice. The session fees are the same and a block booking could be taken as a combination package - for example counselling one week and hypnosis the next - it is completely flexible and designed to be tailored around your individual needs. Please get in touch for further details or to discuss your needs.
This list is not exhaustive just an indication of some of the issues we commonly see - if your issue isn't listed don't worry drop a line, hypnosis is great at adapting to whatever is required.
*Anger Issues
* Anxiety
* Blushing
* Chronic Pain
* Confidence
* Death or Loss
* Depression
* Eating Disorders
* Exam Anxiety
* Fears: dentist, doctors, death, failure, flying, heights, loss of control, surgery, water and many more
* Gambling
* Memory
* Obsessions
* Panic Attacks
* Phobia's
* Post Traumatic Stress
* Public Speaking
* Relationship Enhancement
* Relaxation
* Self Esteem
* Self Harm
* Self Image
* Sleep Issues
* Smoking
* Stammering
* Substance Abuse
* Weight Problems